A Life Well-Lived

Monday, March 14, 2011

Caryl writes: A Thought, A Definition, A Path, A Commitment

A THOUGHT for March 14 from Offerings: Buddhist Wisdom for Every Day by Danielle and Olivier Follmi:

We may become aware that worldly concerns and distractions keep us trapped in samsara, and we may feel an intense desire to be liberated from it. Then we find ourselves at the meeting point of two paths: one leads to liberation, and the other to the lesser destinies of samsara. Dilgo Khysentse Rinpoche

A DEFINITION of samsara:
Saṅsāra or Saṃsāra (sanskrit: संसार) literally meaning "continuous flow", is the cycle of birth, life, death, rebirth or reincarnation) within Buddhism, Hinduism, Bön, Jainism, Sikhism, and other Indian religions. The word has its origins in the sramanic traditions of ancient India, and is today used in many modern Indian languages to refer to the physical world, or family, or the universe. In modern parlance, samsara refers to a place, set of objects and possessions, but originally, the word referred to a process of continuous pursuit or flow of life. In accordance with the literal meaning, the word should either refer to a continuous stream of consciousness, or the continuous but random drift of passions, desires, emotions, and experiences.

A PATH to a second life:

Put me down for the road to liberation. On Mondays mornings, I am often inclined to drift, to ride the tide of passions, desires, emotions and experiences, the lesser destinies of samsara. On Monday morning, I have to recommit myself to the path less travelled, the one less chosen: I have to turn away from the easier but ultimately less satisfying slow ride of the tide. I have to put aside the worldly concerns and distractions, rise above the cosmic pain of recent global events and the small daily wounds of living. A second life requires intention, authenticity, vigor of both the spiritual and physical kind, even a tough skin. Today I am searching for ways to jump start myself and my week, knowing that the path to liberation is my preferred destiny. Join me. Help me take the first step.

Say these words aloud with me: Today is the first day of my second life. Make the best of the rest.

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