A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Caryl & Maryl post: Rewards of Change

Several months ago we asked some of our followers or some whom we wanted as followers to give us their opinions of our blog. We promised that there would be a prize for filling out the brief questionnaire we sent. All but a few of you sent in smart, thoughtful, clear answers and fresh, innovative ideas for making Second Lives Club a site you’d find useful and inspirational enough to return to a couple times a week. Since Caryl was on her way to India at the time, we hinted that the item would be from the subcontinent.

Did you think we forgot? Did you think we’d break our promise of a prize? Did you think the world doesn’t reward change? Of course, not. Being a member of the Second Lives Club means being there for each other in ways grand and small, helping one and other to make the changes necessary for a meaningful, productive, joyful new life.

Speaking of changes, we’ve made a few here on our site based on your input. Here’s a few you can notice right away: We changed the banner to reflect the women whose second lives we applaud in our posts. We’ve put our names in the headlines so you know upfront which one of us is writing. And, as you’ll discover in future posts, we heard you when you asked for more humor, more real life examples, more honesty about issues we face in the years ahead. And, more fun! We’ve even come out of the shadows as some of you requested . Click on About Us where you will find short bios and—yes—even our pictures.

(FYI: There was much debate about the photos. In the end, in the tradition of Second Looks, there’s a photo of us from a lifetime ago and a second life snapshot. Caryl still hates her current photo but Maryl reminded her that 20 years from now she’ll be saying how good she looks.)

We’re sending out the gifts (see above) along with our thanks this week. They are wrapped in Ikat fabric from Orissa, the fabric is hand-woven by the villagers, the dyes are natural and the patterns generations old.. (See: Welcome to the Third World Club). We hope you like them and will think of us when you wear them. And, if any of our new visitors want to share suggestions for and opinions of our blog, just leave a comment below. We still have a few gifts left. We'd love to send you one. In a future post, we will reveal what's in those ikat-wrapped

(Oh, and that Buddhist goddess in the picture? She’s White Tara, the goddess of long lives---and of wisdom and compassion. Two attributes all of us need in our second lives.)

Many thanks to all of you who sent your feedback.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Carrie and Meryl. The gift is gorgeous and so is your new site! Can't wait to receive your updates. Second Lives Club is timely, provocative and well-written--all the makings for a perfect blog. Glad to have you "girls" join the blogosphere!
