A Life Well-Lived

Monday, January 2, 2012

Today is the first day of your 2nd life!

Second lives are always about fresh starts. Begin again, we wrote in our first blog post on the first day of last year, the opening salvo of Second Lives Club.

Second lives are also about fits. . .as well as starts. And, this holiday season we were catapaulted back into our first lives, filled with super-sized to-do lists and dominated by tasks directed mostly towards others (not bad). The feverish frenzy distracted us from our core values and we forgot that life's about the journey rather than the destination (not good).

Luckily, we knew to push pause --( that’s why you haven’t heard from us for a while): to stay calm and follow along with what we know works. We cooked indulgent meals (oysters and lobsters on New Year's Eve), we read in lazy stretches (The Marriage Plot and Steve Jobs), we saw movies, even a triple feature of our own making (A Dangerous Method, The Artist and Pina in 3D!) The first morning of the new year, we walked the beach—the sun was bright, the weather uncharacteristically warm, our spirits joyfully replenished.

We could see our true selves again . . . in the shadows cast upon the sand. (Our own version of ground hog’s day. A second spring is on its way.) We were moving forward once more, encouraged by every step—even the backwards ones--into a new year.


  1. Happy, happy new year to you, may your extraordinary blog grow and flourish. You have so much to say, so much to share and you have such style in words and wisdom.

    I hope you will both have a joy-filled, healthy, successful 2012 in all the ways that will bring you happiness and fulfillment.

    Warmest regards,

  2. Looking forward to more inspiration from Second Lives Club in 2012! xoRonnie

  3. A very happy new year to you and thank you for the confirmation of what pretty much described my last couple of weeks. I still need to work on using that pause button more freely but I'm gettin' it!!

    I look forward to your contacts. They both inspire and validate me - something I am learning to be more independent with but still, it is so very nice to hear from others!


  4. Congratulations about hitting the first anniversary of your blog. I'm glad I stumbled upon it. I've included you on my blog roll for my new blog - I've just celebrated my second month at the Diary of the Vixen Divorcee - www. vixendivorcee.com. I'm finding it an interesting journey, full of surprises. Is that your experience, as well? I'd love to share stories with you.

  5. It's nice to hear from our old friends (Tish, Ronnie and Georgia) as well as
    a new--Irene. One of the best parts of starting a blog is hearing from
    others we might never have encountered any other way. All best to
    each of you in 2012--and we will continue to follow along with your
    pursuits as well.
