A Life Well-Lived

Monday, July 23, 2012

Caryl considers: What We Have To Look Forward To

Bel Kaufman, who is 101, is a teacher, an author --she wrote her first novel, Up the Down Staircase, at 50 and the wife of a younger man (he's 95). I came across her profile in the August issue of Vogue, my favorite issue of the year because it's "the age issue".  Consider this month's cover line:  Wonder Women from 28 to 101.  The far end of that galaxy is Bel--and here's what she has to say in her own words about this stage of life:

"I've lived a long time, a very long time, 101 years, and I'm still here. I'm done with the doubts and the struggles and insecurities of youth. I'm finished with loss and guilt and regret, I'm very old, and nothing is expected of me. Now, provided good health continues, I can do what I want. I can write my memoirs, I can edit my works for future eBooks. I can even do nothing--what luxury that is! I have new priorities and a new appreciation of time. I enjoy my family more than ever, and also a sunny day and a comfortable bed. I keep up my interest in books and theater and people, and when I'm tired, I rest. My former students write to me and visit me. I had many problems and disasters in my life; fortunately, at my age, I don't remember what there were. I'm glad I am 101."

Here, at Second Lives Club, we are admirers of all women who have composed a life they love.  With our ever increasing life expectancy--at least in the first world, we salute the trailblazers like Bel Kaufman who had cleared away some of the brush for us on this untraveled path. Beginning in September, we plan to profile women in their 70s, 80s, and 90s--and the occasional centenarion. We want to know what they know--and we want to
celebrate their spirit and accomplishments. We want to revel in the sisterhood of Second Lives.

If you have nominations for great women of a greater age,  please let us know. Or send us a pix and a short bio and you'll see more wonder women come September.


  1. Replies
    1. Bel is definitely fantastic! Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Hi Caryl: I'm just getting your second lives concept. If I retire at 65, I could easily have another 20 years to live. Likely most of those years I'll be healthy and mentally alert. What am I going to do with them? Living to 101 seems so daunting. That's another 40 years to fill.

    Good for Bel for figuring it out. I hope I can, too. Maybe with your help.

    1. Georgia,

      The second live concept is sometimes confusing. It's not a second marriage or a second career--or a second anything.. .It's less about the road markers on the road of life but about the traveler--the traveler's spirt and soul. We will all help each other but you, Georgia, have no shortage of spirit or soul for your next
      life. Add courage and daring--and I bet your next 40 years will be spectacular.

  3. Thanks for this inspiring post. I look forward to more in September!

    1. Judith,

      I am always happy to see you here at our site--and hoping to see you in person soon!

  4. Bel is an inspiration - there have been a couple of Olympic torch bearers over 100-years-old in the build up to the Games. Just amazing.

    1. I am going to check out those Olympians. There's no doubt that exercise is a component to a successful
      second life. Those outstanding athletes really did get the gold (as in golden years). Thanks for
      the suggestion.

  5. What a delightful post, and an inspirational woman. Thank you for this!

    1. BLW,

      I am reading you daily now--and impressed with your productivity and clarity on so many issues and topics
      that are critical to a solid second life. I hope our followers travel over the Daily Plate of Crazy to
      share in the discussion.

  6. Thank you for this post. I so so appreciate your questing and searching and finding and revealing to us, we of a certain age who are so many things and who have so many thoughts and desires. I love this blog and it keeps getting better as do you..

    1. Shelleeta. . .

      Its comments like yours that keep me writing. I love this age--and with eyes wide open. I fully understand
      that life can be tough but so are we.

  7. Thank you! And following your invitation, I nominate Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Nobel-prize winning physiologist who is 103 and the most elegant woman on the planet.

    What a brilliant blog this is! Discovered via a rec from A Femme d'un Certain Age.

    1. Lobella,

      Thanks for the nomination-- she's 103 and a scientist! What a trailblazer. Please come back often.
      Any friend of Tish's blog is a friend of ours. I love that the blogosphere can bring women together
      that might never have found themselves any other way.
