A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

September Brides: Some are old; some are new

Thirty years ago this month, we were planning our own weddings. We were to be married a day apart (September 11 and September 12). That’s Maryl (right) wearing a Mary McFadden gown; Caryl , the matron of honor—(now you know who married first )-- is wearing an antique lace dress. Caryl would marry at the Tribeca loft she and her husband-to-be had just bought the past spring, and Maryl and her intended would exchange vows at their Victorian cottage on the Jersey shore. So why are we telling you all this?

On September 1, another wedding is taking place at Maryl’s beach house. And, the two of us volunteered to do the flowers and decorate the wraparound porch. (What were we thinking?)   As a result, we’ve been blogging less and swagging more. But we still have a few surprises left for August posts and, come September, we have a special two-part makeover tutorial (hair and makeup for women our age by a not-to-be-missed expert), not to mention we will show you how the flowers and porch turned out and reveal who the new September bride is.  We doubt wedding planning will be our fallback career choice for our second lives, however.

If you could choose a new vocation for this stage of life, what would it be? Just leave a comment answering the question:  In my second life, I’d like to be . . . . (If it does happen that you want to be an event planner, we have miles of silk and enough lanterns to light your new path. )


  1. In my second life, I'd like to make movies. But I also love flower arranging.... Ever go into a florist in the middle of winter? It smells great in there. On the other hand, movie making probably pays a bit better..... maybe.

  2. In my second life, I'd like be a peaceful inside.

  3. First of all, the wedding photo of you two is outstanding; one of my all time favs. Now for my second life, i would like to be a travel writer and a tour guide for secondlives trips.

  4. In my second life, I'd like to be an archeologist who speaks French and, when not on digs, lives in Paris....

    1. Can I change my mind? Anonymous's second career sounds fabulous!

  5. Oh my gosh!! There are so many things I'd like to try...I think I'd make a terrific, and dare I say, entertaining tour guide. I'd like to work with children in art as therapy. Judith, as a retired floral shop owner, I can't tell you how many times my customers would come into my shop, stop three steps in and take a deep breath...then spend several minutes gazing at the colorful arrangements in the cooler and gently touching the green and blooming plants. Good memories, for sure. Maybe I could be a tour guide for secondlivesclub with bostonartzmomma....who speaks fluent Italian!! I've always wanted to speak Italian.....

  6. I am so loving all of these. Keep them coming!!

  7. I'm in the process of starting my second career as a social worker. Just finished my Master's while working full-time. I'd like to say its an exciting time but its more challenging than I thought it would be. Looking forward to the wedding photos and other posts.

  8. I have fond memories of your wedding Maryl! I feel like I'm starting my third life. Corporate communications was career #1 through my mid-40s; parenting three adopted kids (two adopted at older ages) was career #2 which is just about winding down. Career #3 has started with teaching and mentoring at-risk young adults at a career college in how to be better communicators (far more rewarding than coaching CEOs) but might also include writing a book...or two.

    1. Hi Linda, That was a fun wedding. I was there with you for Career #1 and sorry I'm missing the next two. But because you sound so happy and fulfilled, I will enjoy them with you vicariously!

  9. I thought I'd add my own second life dream: to run a B & B in Varanasi, India or maybe just work at the Harmony
    Bookstore in the same city. (When the Ganges rises, the owner has to move all his books to higher shelves. I
    could help with that!) I'd even teach journalism (although I don't know what I'd tell them about future employment)
    at Benares University, the largest university in Asia. The facts that India is an English-speaking country and a
    democracy makes this second life fantasy more reasonable.

    Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone when thinking about your next life. Now is the time to go for it.

  10. In my second life I would like to be the food critic for a local (county-wide?) area and just visit, eat and write about all aspects of the site, especially the cleanliness of the ladies room, which of course TELLS a lot about whether anyone should be eating there.

  11. How about third life? A new hubby I love more and more every day ... and the dream job I've been waiting for - starting up the operation of an amzing special event venue in the Sierra foothills of California that looks like a Tuscan villa .... the new owner handed me the keys a month ago and said, I don't want to have anything to do with it ... just make me money ... Can you sing, " Heaven, I'm in heaven" ..... yay me! at just shy of 62 years old! IttyBittyBoomer ...

  12. Incidently, you are both gorgeous - then and now! ittybitty ...

  13. I am living my second life…on a sheep farm in the PyrenĂ©es montains of France (right near the Spanish border, the Basque Country), with a sheep farmer, sheep dogs and lots and lots of sheep. I went through hell and back to get here, but I am HERE and EVER SO GRATEFUL. It’s ALL about following your heart/guts, as illogical or without reason as it may seem...
