A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Vote Like Your Women's Rights Depended On It

1964                                                                                           2012
Who doesn't remember the memorable words of Lesley Gore's "You Don't Own Me".  She recorded the song in 1964 at age 18, not old enough to vote.  Nearly a half century later Gore has produced a version that is an anthem for women's rights.  By voting today, our impact will be felt and our voices will be heard. Over 50% of those voting in the 2008 Presidential elections were women, and over 50% were 45 and older. It is estimated that 10 million more women and men will vote in this election. We're still fighting for the same issues that we were when Gore originally recorded this song. Listen to this chorus of women of many ages.  When women vote, women win!


  1. I listened to this the other night. I am 66 it was a thrill. And yes, I voted for our rights. I hope that we retain them. I cannot imagine what will happen if those people get in.

  2. I voted for our rights too and feel a huge sense of relief today. Also, I am so proud that my state has elected Elizabeth Warren to the United States Senate!

  3. Yeaaaay, you guys! I was just a little younger than Ms. Gore when she recorded this and remember it well, and in personal and social context! So good to see and hear these young women's message to those who would presume in demanding such control over any woman's life.
    I'm feeling much better today. So are a lot of us.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks all for your comments. Women and their votes were heard and felt. We can breathe a bit easier after the election but still can't rest. What should our next anthem be?
