A Life Well-Lived

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Caryl pleads: "Give me a light" to see clearly in 2013

Three days into 2013 and already I am feeling like the "man who stood at the gate of the year".  Do you know what I am talking about? Can you guess who asked: "Give me a light that I may tread into the unknown"? The final months of 2012 were bleak with a devastating natural disaster here on the East Coast, unspeakable crimes at home (Newtown, Ct.) and abroad (New Delhi, India) and my own dark night of the soul. Following Superstorm Sandy, my 83-year-old friend in Cambridge, England sent me a poem made famous by George VI in his Christmas speech  in 1937 (and later in the movie "The King's Speech) . Darkness abounded that season as well. The British empire was not only on the cusp of a new year but another world war. The king, hardly a compelling speaker, quoted from a poem that his daughter, then princess Elizabeth, had given him.  The poem was titled "God Knows", and it was written by Minnie Louise Hawkins, who taught economics in the first half of the of the  20th century.

Though I seldom turn to God for answers, this poem has already provided me with comfort and inspiration as I crawled out of 2012 and tiptoed into 2013. Here's the poem in full and a little background about the decidedly 21st light sculpture that you can still see at a hidden gem of a park in Manhattan but hurry.  The art installation closes the end of this month.  If you haven't played the video at the beginning of this post, please do.  " I find it very calming," said Liz Mindlin, 61, who lives near the park.  I suspect we are going to have to find a sense of calm in this already turbulent new year, don't you think? Do you prefer music or poetry, art or prayer or some other soothing strategy (meditation, maybe? I still can't get the hang of that) when times get tough? Let us know.

God Knows
by Minnie Louise Hawkins

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”

And he replied:

“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”

So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night. And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

So heart be still:What need our little lifeOur human life to know,If God hath comprehension?In all the dizzy strifeOf things both high and low,God hideth His intention.

God knows. His willIs best. The stretch of yearsWhich wind ahead, so dimTo our imperfect vision,Are clear to God. Our fearsAre premature; In Him,All time hath full provision.

Then rest: untilGod moves to lift the veilFrom our impatient eyes,When, as the sweeter featuresOf Life’s stern face we hail,Fair beyond all surmiseGod’s thought around His creaturesOur mind shall fill.



  1. Love this poem. For me, discovering some 20 years ago that no one else could love me like God has made all the difference in navigating the heights and depths of the years since. He is my rock, my joy, and my peace.

    Understanding that this world is not my home, rather it's a place to prepare me for my eternal one has also helped me rest in His tender care.

    My prayer is that many, many more would seek and find this joy and peace. Wishes for a blessed New Year, friends!

  2. I agree with Linda, for me there's only One True Light. Anything else is just a thinly charged battery that goes dark when we most need it.

    Wishing you and all life in 2013 on solid ground---rather than sinking sand.


  3. Webutante,

    Thanks for stopping by. I certainly have observed over the years how the One True Light has illuminated
    your life. And, I was glad to hear that you had your best family holiday in years. The two are undoubtedly
