A Life Well-Lived

Friday, April 12, 2013

SLlinky*: Fashion Inspirations from Our Past and Present

Annette Funicello                                              Lily Pulitzer                                          Maggie Thatcher

*Maryl and Caryl troll the net for the best Second Life Links this week

Annette, Lily and Maggie:  One was a mouseketeer who traded in her ears for a bikini and capris in a string of 1960s cult beach movies but remained the modest girl next door and later a gracious spokesperson for Multiple Sclerosis. One was a designer and heiress who initially sold her brightly colored dresses along with orange juice at a Florida fruit stand proving that hard work is fashionable even for socialites. One was the first female major political leader in the West who put the power in power suit--no pants, just skirts and the right handbag-- and was thrilled when she was named to the international best-dressed list.  Annette Funicello, Lily Pulitzer, and Margaret Thatcher who all died this week left behind distinctive legacies of substance and style. Click on names for appreciations of the latter. 


Style Sleuthing in the Present:  We love writing about what to wear in  our second lives but we're not a fashion blog exclusively. There is however, a dedicated band of women bloggers who devote themselves to finding clothes that work for our lives.  Here's 8 of the best fashion bloggers over 40 from Independent Fashion Bloggers.

Start Up Fashion:  This bias cut, cotton blend slouchy tunic can be yours for a pledge of $65 on Kickstarter, a new way to keep your closet current and help give deserving talent a chance.  "Cool, sexy, urban clothes designed for pursuing your passions" is how designer Patrick Robinson (most recently of Armani and The Gap) describes this collection of over a dozen pieces for both men and women. 

Warby Parker  frames

Seeing is believing:  We admit it, we were skeptical of getting reasonably-priced (starting at $95) vintage frames and filling our complicated prescriptions over the internet until we watched this video at Business Insider.


  1. I love this post. I hope you read my Huffington Post tribute to Annette as we were both diagnosed with MS in the same year. Thank you for including her on your wonderful post. Three strong women who made a difference in the world.

    Now I"m heading on over to Kickstarter!

    Love you women! You really rock. Cathy

  2. Thank you for the mention, Second Lives Women! I am honored. And I absolutely love your site, and will be reading for a long time this evening . . . : >

  3. Annette never wore a bikini in those movies. Walt Disney asked her to wear a one piece, and she honored his request.

  4. I apologize. After writing that, I was looking at photos of Annette, and in the later films she did wear a two piece, but always with her navel covered.

    1. I was curious how you could wear a "bikini" without your navel showing. I did find one where I could see 3/4 of her navel. Makes one wonder what those wardrobe discussions would have been like?!?

  5. While I love your tribute to the three ladies we lost, I ADORE my Warby Parker's and now own 2 - with many more sure to follow. They just opened their first official brick and mortar storefront in Soho! And for every pair you buy - they will donate a pair to someone who cannot afford to buy glasses. So - glasses that are fabulous and classy, with customer service folks who aim to please ALL THE TIME, and a worthy cause as well. A winning combination in my book (or on my face, I should say!) Thanks for posting. Two thumbs up!!!

    1. Or, four eyes have it! I haven't been to the new Soho store but my understanding is that you still need to order
      online. I was aware of the matching program--you buy a pair, they donate a pair. We try to keep these
      links short --more info is just a click away--but thank you for mentioning this. One other fact I loved
      about Warby Parker was that the company is named for two characters from Jack Kerouac's journals.
      HOw cool is that?

  6. My daughter has Warby Parker's & loves them - very cool!

  7. Thanks for these links -- especially for the one about reasonably priced glasses. If you have to wear them on your face all day, as I do (can't do contacts with my prescription) then you want them to be hip looking -- at least I do. And if you are on a budget, that's not so easy. I'll have to check them out in person the next time I'm in NYC. (M&C a possible field trip for my next visit?)

    Off to check out the kickstarter page right now!

    On the home stretch of what has been a truly mind-boggling trip to Morocco. I've been lucky to have the opportunity to observe first-hand some of the daily life of women here. Just this morning I watched my son's upstairs neighbor make their daily bread, Moroccan pancakes and put together a tangine while baking the bread and balancing her 2-month-old baby on her back.

  8. Long lasting untimely discharge Can Be Treated by pelvic floor works out. European Association of Urology, 2014.

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    Female Partner's Perception of Premature Ejaculation and Its Impact on Relationship Breakups, Relationship Quality, and Sexual Satisfaction. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2014.

