A Life Well-Lived

Friday, April 19, 2013

SLlinky* Friday: 8 Dangerous Travel Destinations for Women & One That Isn’t--plus Bradley Cooper, Ann Sinclair and Goya

* Caryl and Maryl troll the web for the best Second Life links this week:

Leaving On a Jet Plane: A week of unrelenting and upsetting headlines make us want to pack up and get away for a little R & R. Well, according to Business Insider, you won’t want to go to these 8 places if you are a woman and want to be safe. (Full disclosure: The article reads like a list of Caryl’s past vacation destinations.) But there’s one exotic locale where two of our favorite bloggers have done the advance work for your next trip--Morocco. Check out Shifting Gears where writer and friend Judith Ross traveled to visit her son, a Peace Corp. volunteer, in Tinghir. And don’t miss Slim Paley’s post on Ouarzazete from where she and a girlfriend departed for a luxurious desert camping trip. Both of these fearless travelers know how to shoot—pictures, that is.

Bradley Cooper with mother Gloria 

Home Again: Our adult children always know that they can return to the nest when they need us--but they also come back when we need them. Bradley Cooper, Oscar nominee and good son, has moved back in with his mother while the family continues to grieve the loss of Cooper’s dad.  Having his mom around is "not without complications," he says. "It's not like I live in a compound and she's in the guesthouse. No, she's in the next room." Read more at People.  

Arianna & Ann
Huff Post 60: Life for Ann Sinclair is getting better after 60. The recently-named head of Le Huffington Post, the French offshoot of Arianna Huffington’s internet empire, has finalized her divorce from Dominque Strauss-Kahn, disgraced director of IMF. Who knew Sinclair, 64, and her new boss, 62, have the same birthday? July 15. We learned this and more at The New Yorker.

Wanted: Smart Advertising for smart women. Do the people at Dove really think we are going to believe a forensic sketch artist can draw us to their beauty bar?  Well, they’ve got soap in their eyes, according to Salon.  For more on what the people behind the brand were thinking, fast forward to the videos at brandchannel.  Idea for the new advertising campaign: A + ; Execution: F. (And, that’s not for feminism.) 

Speaking of Feminism: You can 
buy social provocateur and author Susan Jacoby’s e-book The Last Men on Top for $2.99 starting April 23. Or, you can read  this excerpt (and learn a new word), "Sex in the Mad Men Era: Phallocrats and Fake Virgins",  at The Daily Beast.

Goya's “El Sueño de la Razon
Produce Monstruos” at Boston's MFA
Art Heals, we know that. Thank you to Mostafa Heddaya whose post on Hyperallergic  reminded us why museums are always “a place of respite” for our communities and gave us another reason to love Boston in this difficult week.


  1. Thank you so much Caryl and Maryl for the mention! I returned home from my trip just two days ago to a much different Boston than the one I left. It's ironic that certain people were concerned about my son's safety living in Morocco. Turns out that this week, at least, it is a safer choice than Boston.

    I have so much to write about, and am hoping to get my jet lagged brain moving. I had the privilege of spending time with several Moroccan woman -- of all ages. And clearly, it is a great place to be a man... not so great if you are a woman who marries. Then you are stuck in the house, where as one woman put it, "You are responsible for everything."

    Some of them spoke English, others were patient with my very poor French and still others taught me a few words of Berber -- the language spoken in Tinghir. Otherwise, my son, who is fluent in Moroccan Arabic was our constant interpreter.

    I'm honored to be listed along with Slim's beautiful blog. Thanks again and I hope to post more about my experiences in Morocco soon.

    1. Welcome home. I can't wait to read more about your trip. In my own travels, I find women are much the
      same all over the world--especially mothers. I remember on my first trip to India, a local woman told
      me that "mothers can move mountains." I always remember that when I face difficulty. And, my heart
      goes out to your hometown, especially to the mothers of the dead and injured. It is all so terribly sad.

  2. What a terrific collection of resources and reads. Thank you for these, not the least of which is the fact that art heals. I think we're all seeking a path to healing right now, and possibly more so, true community.
