A Life Well-Lived

Friday, April 5, 2013

SLlinky Friday: These Women Make Us Want To Be Older (plus Countdown to Mad Men and more)

 Lauren Hutton, who just incidentally turns 70 this year, is one of those women. But the current issue of French Elle with Hutton on its cover isn’t about numbers (none of those tedious and ridiculous “what to wear when you’re 40, 50, 60, 70” articles). It is “more a celebration of women, and age be damned,” writes Tish Jett at A Femme d'un Certain Age. But the French have always known that.

What if you could learn to downsize and declutter your home and life while reducing waste and your carbon footprint at the same time?  Sounds time-consuming and way too hard?  Bea Johnson, lifestyle guru, makes it really simple in her latest book Zero Waste Home coming out April 9.

Source: pragmagraphr, Flickr.com

Your heart doesn't have to sink when you find the drain clogged with hair after you shower. It doesn't mean you're going bald, just shedding as part of your regular body cycle.  Read one woman's story about hair loss at Refinery 29 and ways to prevent it.

A Life Well-Lived: Ruth Prawar Jhabvala, screen writer and author, collaborated with James Merchant and Ismail Ivory on 20 films, but books were her first love.  She is the only person to win both a Booker prize (Heat and Dust) and two Oscars for screenwriting (A Room with a View—1985; Howard’s End—l992).  For four more surprising facts about this woman’s extraordinary life, read The Week. 

You'll have to wait until Sunday night for the two-hour premier of season six Mad Men.  But until then, try to name the 15 women Don Draper has been with in seasons one through five.  Who can’t remember Betty or Megan--or even Dr. Faye Miller? (She's definitely the only one with a Ph'd)  But what about Doris, Allison  and Candace? Go to Business Insider—for the complete list.

Can a two minute video "promote understanding between generations, and challenge perceptions about aging"?  Saga magazine from the UK held such a competition titled "Being 50" and here's the unlikely winner:


  1. Great video. I must go back to subscribing to Saga magazine. I have the copy of the French "Elle" and look forward to reading the article if my french is up to it.

  2. Thank you so very, very much "girls" (we're actually allowed to say girls over here, it's not un-PC, it's just fun for heaven's sake. . .), it's an honor to be mentioned on your blog.

    Warmest regards toujours,

  3. Such an inspiring video. Thank you and good luck with your film script.
