A Life Well-Lived

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Rainbow After the Rain

Hillary Clinton Suits Up 

It's been raining forever it seems. It rained last week, it rained Memorial Day weekend, and now it's raining again. But we can't let the weather dampen our spirits. This rainbow of Hillary Clinton's pantsuits has been circling the web all this week (originating from Reddit) leaving smiles in its wake. Do you have a favorite? I'm loving the gray one (second from the right) but maybe it's been gray so long outside, I've just acclimatized.


  1. It is great to see some colour. We are sadly lacking here in London too. More grey sky and rain. Have hardly worn any of my summer colours yet.

  2. Hillary is a self-proclaimed pantsuit aficionado, all right.

  3. I'm not a fan of any of them!!! (Nor of her...)
