A Life Well-Lived

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bring in Your Parents Day

Maryl likes this new LinkedIn program

Think of it as the reverse of Career Day at your school when parents would describe their careers to your class mates.  I would liked to have had Bring in Your Parents Day, which debuted last month, with my parents although I did bring them to my workplace once or twice. Even though I worked for a few major American corporations, I always had more nontraditional job titles that didn't automatically make clear what I actually did. Titles like General Manager-Media Centers, Director-Brand Web Experience, Cultural Arts Marketing Manager don't exactly conjure up images of someone being productive like a lawyer, teacher or firefighter. Know what the three most misunderstood job titles are today?

UI Designer, Data scientist and Social media manager according to the LinkedIn survey.

I was a big supporter of Take Your Daughters To Work until it became compromised by adding sons, totally missing the point of the program in the first place. Decades earlier my father would take me to work with him on a Saturday. That was in the art department of a large drug company and I would get paid $5 for helping out as he created the mechanicals for the packaging of Bayer aspirin or Phillips Milk of Magnesia. My dad showed me the different departments and that's how I learned about the many career opportunities open to me. (At my high school the emphasis was mostly on teacher, nurse or nun.)

The purpose of Bring In Your Parents 
Day is a teaching exchange between parents and their professional working children.  Moms and dads gain greater understanding and admiration for their daughters' and sons' job responsibilities so parents in turn can offer more specific support and input borrowing from their years in the work force. Companies win indirectly through this knowledge swap too. As one mother commented, when you see your child out there in the workplace it's when you finally realize that "your job is done".  The overall assessment of how the program was received isn't tallied yet but one can only hope the event is repeated next year or that work establishments will make this an informal program at their offices throughout the year.

I have enjoyed taking my goddaughter and daughter to work in the past. I hope someday they will take me to work with them.