A Life Well-Lived

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ann Buttenwieser: 1st Life - Motherhood, 2nd Life - "Floating Pool Lady"

                                                                                                                         (Photo: Etienne Frossard)

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Year, New You, New Second Lives Club

                                                                                                               (photo-Happy Herbivore Blog)
Happy New Year, and it is truly a new one for SecondLivesClub.com. We’re changing platforms in more ways than one!  As we come up with some new directions to enhance our community, this blog will continue with some guest posts but be more focused on identifying and promoting exemplary 2nd Life role models.  We want to feature one a week and, in fact you can help.  If you know of a 50+ woman who is in the process of establishing or already living her second life that you think stands out above the rest, let us know and we will feature her.  

Women taking bigger leaps and risks can make for livelier reading but these stories don't have to be about major makeovers. They don't even have to be about reaching the end goal but rather about taking those first baby steps.  And they don't have to be about saving the world, they can be about having a personal adventure. "Reinvention is really ambiguity fused with self confidence", as was redefined for us last night by Jan Pauley promoting her new book on this subject at the 92St. Y in Manhattan.  

Some of you may remember the profile we did on Susan who left her career as a film maker to write her first novel and start a nonprofit organization. And there's Marsha who left corporate America to build her own career counseling company. Maggie was a linguist before joining a real estate venture catering to empty nesters. Now let us introduce you to Annabel Davis who spent 20 years as a police constable in the UK and is now an in demand model and actress at age 60? Want to know how she did it? Read on…