A Life Well-Lived

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Susan Briggs Wright: 1st Life - Four-eyed & a TV Journalist; 2nd LIfe - Clear-eyed & a Memoirist

Susan Briggs Wright
Susan Briggs Wright remembers it like it was yesterday - 

the day she got her first contact lenses!  She was a senior in high school and had worn glasses since she was 18 months old. Growing up in the fifties and sixties, girls who wore glasses didn't get many passes.  Her life changed after that or rather the people around her changed it seemed.  Susan got more attention and more self-confidence. After graduating from Stanford and Columbia School of Journalism, she became a TV producer first in New York and then Houston and then went into public relations and corporate
communications.  She excelled at interviewing people and in capturing "the individual’s own narrative voice and point of view", so much so that she made a business out of it.  Susan is The Memoir Coach, where she helps people craft their own biographies and family histories. She recently edited Coping With Transition, a collection of stories by fifteen professional women who grew up during a time when a MRS was more important than a MBA.  The last chapter is about a girl growing up wanting to see and be seen.

Susan also teaches memoir writing at The Women's Institute of Houston.  She is an active member of her local chapter of The Transition Network, the source for the personal narratives in Coping with Transition.  The Transition Network is a community of career women over 50 who want to remain vital and stay active in their second lives.

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