A Life Well-Lived

Friday, May 23, 2014

Jeanne Pinder: 1st Life – Investigative Journalist, 2nd Life – Health Costs Investigator

Why does our healthcare industrial complex remind her of living in Russia?
Jeanne Pinder grew up in Iowa, studied in the former Soviet Union and spent 23 years at the NY Times before taking a voluntary buyout. And she left her secure job all because no one could answer what she thought was a simple question: why was she charged over $1400 for a medication she could buy online for less than $2.50.

Health benefit statements and hospital bills can leave one clueless with their varying cost explanations. That’s why Jeanne became a web entrepreneur and took $50K in grants to start Clear Health Costs. Clear Health Costs is a web site committed to bringing “transparency to the health-care marketplace by telling people prices for medical procedures and items” so consumers can make more informed decisions about their healthcare. 

Jeanne likens changing our healthcare industrial complex to the change she witnessed first hand in Russia in the 1980’s and ‘90’s. She was always “good at finding stuff out” and reporting back on it her whole life. It’s lucky for all of us that that skill remains a central focus of Jeanne’s second life.

Jeanne tells her story in a delightfully entertaining manner in the video below. Clear Health Costs has been labeled the Kayak.com of healthcare. Jeanne’s efforts have been labeled disruptive but in a healthy way!

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