A Life Well-Lived

Friday, May 30, 2014

Kathleen Porter: 1st Life – House, Family, Career, 2nd Life – Home, Healthy, Happy

Returning home is what a lot of us do in midlife.

Kathleen Porter didn't stick around when her nest emptied. She flew out with her three children not wanting to continue running her B&B and yoga center any longer. Kathleen had already divorced and decided to look inside herself to find the security and comfort a home can provide. She became fascinated with the concept of natural skeletal alignment even though it contradicted her basic
Ageless Spine
yoga teachings. Kathleen wanted to learn why some people age so gracefully and upright and how those women all over the globe who carry heavy loads on their heads can do it with such ease. So she took the money from the sale of her house to travel the world and do just that. The three books she’s authored plus the alignment center she opened in Portland, Oregon are the byproducts of that learning. Kathleen defines home differently now. She lives in a single room at a friend’s house, sees her children as often as possible and finds a way to connect with almost everyone she meets and always with her mind and body in full alignment.

Kathleen’s three books, her latest Natural Posture for Pain-Free Living: The Practice of Mindful Alignment, are available on Amazon. If you live near the Portland, Oregon area, you can visit her at The Center for Natural Alignment. Kathleen also lectures frequently at the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, New York. You can read more of her story in “Coming Home to Yourself".  And you can get a dose of her theory on natural skeletal alignment by watching this video:

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