A Life Well-Lived

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Isabelle Dervaux: 1st Life – Illustrator, 2nd Life – Photo Organizer

Have a lot of boxes of photos that you plan to sort through someday?

Isabelle Dervaux is known for her playful and imaginative drawings but the life of an illustrator can be a lonely one.  (You have probably seen some of her work.)  She would communicate with her corporate and advertising clients by phone and email mostly and often not see anyone for days! A cross-country move from a house in California to a two-bedroom New York City apartment forced Isabelle to think seriously about downsizing starting with all her boxes and boxes of photos and CD’s. She found using her organizing skills was as satisfying as rendering her artwork. So Isabelle combined the two to start her own business creating photo, video, collage and slide show narratives for families.

Isabelle enjoys sitting with clients in their homes and getting to
know them before going to work culling and curating a family’s past memories. “I am fascinated by their individual stories because I have a family of my own,” she confesses. Isabelle also does consultations for those who want to do it themselves giving them a step-by-step plan. “I don’t think I would have been as interested in doing this earlier in life,” but Isabelle loves that in her second life she is able to combine both her creative and professional passions. Go picture that! No, seriously, check out her video below. 

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