A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ellie Giles: 1st Life - Educational development, 2nd Life - Economic development

TEDxTalk:  The Sparkle of Destiny

Ellie Giles was never comfortable in her comfort zone.  To say she thrives on change and traversing unexplored territories would be an understatement.  But when Ellie retired as a Maryland school district administrator, she had to discover a way to rewire herself and try something different.  That's when she learned that despite the fields and industries we may come from, it's your skill set plus your passion that set the course and take you to your new destination.  She calls that your sparkle and in Ellie's case that was her organizational and operational abilities plus her desire to give back to the community.  In particular economic development really resonated with her, an area crucial to keep schools and quality of life strong in every district.  Ellie is now the Director of Operations for the Montgomery Business Development Corporation.      

Throughout this transition, Ellie ran her own consulting business, earned her doctorate degree, wrote a professional book and gave a TEDx Talk on destiny (above video).  Ellie never lets herself become too comfortable for too long!  


  1. Thank you. I really enjoyed that. It is so true of the education system we have.

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