A Life Well-Lived

Friday, February 14, 2014

Lea Wait: 1st Life – Executive Speechwriter, 2nd Life – Mystery and Children’s Author and Antique Print Dealer

Lea Wait and grandkids
Actually as a child Lea Wait started out 
10 year old Lea
wanting to be an astronomer, marine biologist and then a senator but through all those phases she always knew she would write. So she nicely combines her passions and writes mysteries for the adults with a repeating central character that is an antique print dealer and 19th century historical novels for children. Lea’s preference is so strong for that period of time she swears she was born into the wrong century! And of course
Antique prints for sale
she holds the usual titles of a second lifer: mother (single parent of four adopted daughters from outside the country), housekeeper (of a 18th century house on a river in Maine (nor’easter storms and leaky roofs included) and wife (first marriage, 10 year anniversary). She still puts in ten-hour days as chronicled in a post on the Maine Crime Writers blog. Where she gets that time is a mystery to me!

Blog web site

I worked with Lea at AT&T although I didn’t have the pleasure of getting to know her then. At least not as much as I do now after perusing her web site, blog and the long list of books she has authored. Lea offers suggestions as to how we can all help writers like her. A very simple first step is to pre-order their next books…hers is the children’s book, “Uncertain Glory” which can be pre-ordered on Amazon now. (Maryl)

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