A Life Well-Lived

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Shannon Ingram: 1st Life – Marketing Executive, 2nd Life – Professional Caregiver


Shannon Ingram had done it all in the corporate world and was still doing it when she heard another calling. It was from her aging parents who were starting to need more daily attention. So that’s what she did for the next five years while at the same time
Shannon, her mom and daughter-in-law
unknowingly start to build her second life. She took that experience and wrote a 
book, “The Heart Way-A Journey From Corporate To Care”, held executive positions at a senior living and boomer marketing company, is currently President of GenAge Marketing and co-founder and senior editor of BoomerReviews.com. She has also served as President of the Board of Directors of WomanSage, a Southern California non-profit serving the needs of women ages 45-plus. And that’s where she found time to hone her music writing talents.

You can learn more about Shannon on her own web site.  She also finds time to write up some of her musings for boomer women at Vibrant Nation.  If you haven't done your New Year's resolutions yet, Shannon says don't and she'll tell you why here!      

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