A Life Well-Lived

Friday, February 28, 2014

Lesley Freeman: 1st Life – Office Secretary, UK; 2nd Life – Volunteer Teacher, India

Lesley Freeman found herself divorced from her “childhood sweetheart” and disillusioned with her secretarial job and life in general.  So she went back to school full time to study to become a counselor and during that same period developed a deep interest in
Buddhism and Tibet.  So much interest that Lesley applied for a teacher/counselor position at a vocational training center for Tibetan refugee children in northern India. Be careful what you apply for…she got the job! Lesley sold her house and with the blessing of her two almost- grown children, she set off on her - what was suppose to be – six month commitment. Shocked with what she saw when she got there, Lesley surprised herself when she discovered how much help she could provide these destitute children.  And one way was to simply write down their stories of being brutalized and left as orphans.  It’s now a book and Lesley’s back in the UK, a different person, a successful counselor and no longer disengaged with the world around her.

You can read about Lesley’s life in more detail at “Eastern Daily Press” and “Fab After Fifty”.  You can also visit with her directly at her Corton Counselling web site and her Volunteer for Tibet web site. Lesley's vivid accounts of her brave and resilient students are captured in “Running from Tenda Gyamar”.

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