A Life Well-Lived

Saturday, March 8, 2014

BJ Dudley: 1st Life - Wife and Homemaker, 2nd Life - Widow and Soy Candle Maker

BJ Dudley will be the first to tell you, "I am a work in progress ...even at 79!" She took a hobby and turned it into an entrepreneurship, actually a solo-preneurship although she 
never feels alone.  The threes in the 333 Candle Company logo represent BJ and her two daughters.  The anchor is her husband, her navy boy and her rock whom she knows would have been along side her making candles with her.  She also credits her success with the support she’s received from other women and offers a few tips for aspiring entrepreneurs:

   ~Don't be afraid to ask for help
   ~Invest in yourself and hire an expert
   ~Find your tribe...and in my case it's been other fascinating women
   ~Give back and do it without  thinking about what you get in return, it always comes back
   ~Decide that it's okay if it's not  perfect

You can learn more about BJ’s second life reinvention and how she is expanding her company at over40females.com.  You can connect with BJ on LinkedIn and meetup.com.  She believes in giving back and does so with Children Incorporated

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