A Life Well-Lived

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Barbara Shaiman: 1st Life – Classroom Teacher, 2nd Life – World Educator

Barbara Shaiman knows that caring about others is an all important character trait.  You don't grow up the daughter of Holocaust survivors and not be aware how fatal the disease of indifference can be.  After stints in teaching and then executive recruiting (they need caring too) Barbara turned to social entrepreneurship.  
While on a trip to Auschwitz with her mother, she encountered a group of youths that displayed a lack of empathy and knowledge of what had happened there.  

And so Barbara created 
Champions of Caring, a not-for-
profit organization.  It's “dedicated to sensitizing, educating and empowering young people to take active roles in improving their communities” by teaching them to care about the atrocities of the past so they're not  repeated. 

She didn't stop there believing that adults too can become change agents and have impact locally and globally.  So Barbara started Embrace Your Legacy, a company that encourages self assessment, personal growth and social change. Her book Live Your Legacy Now! outlines the ten steps to accomplishing this.  And she did all this while being divorced, then widowed and losing her parents recognizing that “my resiliency to create new ventures came as a response to life's challenges”.  

Learn more about Barbara’s efforts that have affected  over 10,000 youths from her hometown of Philadelphia to South Africa.  Her skill at marshaling the support to initiate her projects is to be emulated.  She’s the true embodiment of a Champion of Caring.  

(Photo of Barbara by: Marc Israel Sellem)


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