A Life Well-Lived

Friday, April 25, 2014

Lee Roversi: 1st Life – Organic Farmer & Married, 2nd Life – Organic Farmer & Divorced

Lee Roversi kept the farm!

Lee Roversi kept the farm! She and her husband moved west in 1986 leaving behind hectic careers in New York City and a too  homogeneous lifestyle in suburban Connecticut. They didn’t stop at the Pacific and wound up buying four acres of land on the island of Kauai. Over the next four years, the couple erected their home in paradise, had a third child, built two guest cottages and North Country Farms, an organic farm business that today feeds 50 to 60 people each year. 

Despite these bountiful achievements as a team, their marriage started to flat-line, as Lee puts it, and that’s where her second life begins. Her first instincts were to abandon her dream world, questioning how she could function without a man-by-her-side and feeling like a failure. Lee’s yoga practice, children and friends were her support as she reclaimed herself and her home and kept the farm.

Guest Cottage
Lee is quite the local authority on community supported agriculture. If you are on your way to Hawaii, consider a stay at one of her guest cottages and pick your lunch right from her fields. Follow Lee on her blog for some inspiration from paradise. And you can read more about Lee's transformation and those of other women in Patricia Shapiro's "Coming Home to Yourself".

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