A Life Well-Lived

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Janet O’Kane: 1st Life – Copywriter | F_ _ _ it List | 2nd Life – Crime Writer and Chicken Keeper

Have you started a list yet?  See what's on Janet's!

Janet O’Kane didn’t take to turning 50 all that well.  She led a yuppie lifestyle in London, but what had she really done with her life? Being too young for a bucket list, Janet drafted – and named - her own special version of things she wanted to do or achieve before anymore time got away from her.   She’s checked the following off her list so far:

                     ✔ Drive a Tractor
                     ✔ Go Up In a Hot Air Balloon
                     ✔ Do a Sponsored Walk
                     ✔ Get a University Degree
                     ✔ Be an Artist’s Model
                     ✔ Finish Writing Crime Novel

Yes, Janet’s first novel, No Stranger To Death, was published last year and she’s already fast at work on her next one.  She currently resides in the Scottish Borders with her stonemason husband, a few household pets and too many chickens.  And when she hit 55, Janet added a few more to do’s to her F _ _ _ it List:

* Holiday On a Canal Boat
* Ride Pillion On a Motorbike
* Show a Hen At Local Farm Show
* Get Tiny Tattoo (Book) On Shoulder

All scheduled to happen although, still mulling over the tattoo.

(Janet's opening caricature created by Gary Bentham.)


  1. just came across this site. Hope you're getting your list done. You give me hope that its not too late to finish my book, just need to, as my sister and daughter say, get the balls to go for it..Thanks

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