A Life Well-Lived

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Norma Trimborn: 1st Life – International Sales Executive, 2nd Life – Island Artist

Second Life relocation + occupation = Island Artist

Norma Trimborn studied Chinese Literature and History at Bochum University in Germany, her homeland.  That’s why she spent the next few years continuing her studies at Nanjing University in China.  That’s how Norma wound up working for an import and export company, which was headquartered in New York, where she wound up living for the next fifteen years.  Throughout this period of globe trotting, she developed an intense interest in and love of painting. So Norma took classes in both New Mexico and New York where her work was eventually exhibited.

A client asks herself:  Is that me?!
Now she was smitten and Norma wanted to devote herself entirely to painting.  So she moved to the Dutch side of the island of St. Martin in 2001 and set up NocoArt, her very own art studio….but not just an art studio.  Art doesn’t always provide a regular salary, so she also opened the NocoArt Guest House
NocoArt Guest House
where visitors can come to simply enjoy the delights of the island or take art lessons from Norma’s sister, Corinna, a trained artist who now makes St. Martin her home also.  Together the sisters have also established CIN, a contemporary art gallery with jewelry designer Isabelle Souccar.  And that’s the who, what, how, why and where of Norma Trimborn!  

Norma, Isabelle Souccar and Corinna Trimborn

Caryl and I met Norma and Fran, her friend and gallery owner,while we were dining at a restaurant last week in New York.  Our casual conversation lasted an hour and we hope to meet up with them again.  Norma was wearing this stunning necklace.  Just another reason to visit the island of St. Martin!

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