A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Lisa Bayne: 1st Life – Wife, Mother, Fashion Executive; 2nd Life – Remarried, Empty Nester, Artful Business Developer

Lisa's skills + her passions = a joyous second life.  Here's how she did it...

Lisa Mayne dress

Lisa Bayne “had it all”….. a husband, kids and a professional career.  And then it all stopped…. broken marriage, children grown, corporate burnout.  So Lisa found a way to combine her love of art and fashion (she has college degrees in both) and her skill of running a business (she held executive positions at Eddie Bauer, J. Jill, Gymboree and Smith and Hawken).  She is now CEO of Artful Home where 1000 North American artists and designers are able to make a living through their work.  Of special interest to us second lifers, Lisa writes, “We offer up apparel which women across the country keep telling me they are thrilled with, apparel which marches to a different beat, which is for women who are comfortable in their own skin.”    

Andy Astor glasses                                                                      Lisa's wedding rings

Along the way Lisa became a blogger to help get her through her reinvention.  She also became an expert at online dating and the big payoff there was her wedding last October, which was recently showcased in the NY Times.  So let’s add this all up:  a new position Lisa is passionate about plus children successfully launched plus a new husband she is madly in love with.  I’d say Lisa "has it all" once again!


  1. How wonderful to see that you are the creator for Artful Home, my absolute favorite site! Congratulations on your success and I'm not about to give up your site at this point in my life. As a retired French teacher, I go twice a year for a month at a time to Paris, which is my home away from home. Travel is my adored pastime. Thanks for all you provide for me.

    1. Hi Ruth, Thanks so much for your compliments about Artful Home. Lucky you to go to Paris 2x/year! I had planned to go earlier until I hurt my foot and couldn't go, but it is on the list for 2015.

  2. I really love your wedding rings. Would you like to tell us more about them ? I am about to clic into your blog.
    Congratulations on your achievements and on finding love again,
    Best wishes,

    1. HI Swan, Thanks so much for your well wishes. I'm glad you love our rings; I'm pretty crazy about them myself. They were created by a Northern California artist named Lynda Bahr http://www.artfulhome.com/artist/Lynda-Bahr/7963 Lynda created tiny mosaics out of precious metals and stones and they are like nothing else I have ever seen. She calls herself a little bit crazy; I call her amazing!
      As for love - I never ever expected myself to marry again at age 60 and am finding the experience of being in a new loving relationship at this age to be so very fulfilling. To get into love when you know who you are and are not expecting your partner to be other than who he is is quite something. I feel terribly fortunate every day. And so does he.

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