A Life Well-Lived

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Geri Messer & Pat Balderas: 1st Lives – Nurse & Court Official, 2nd Lives – Dance Studio Owners

How tapping their feet and some of their retirement funds resulted in Second Lives.

Geri Messer and Pat Balderas, both 66, got into tap dancing at two different points of their lives but their passion for it was the same.  Geri tapped throughout her entire youth and had always meant to return to it.  Pat didn’t start until she was in her 40’s but progressed so quickly that she was teaching a beginner’s class when she met up with Geri.  Geri’s business experience from her husband’s software company plus Pat’s dance ability plus a SCORE advisor gave them the confidence to buy their dance studio when the current owner decided to sell.  

What you won’t find at their Off Broadway Dance Company are students below the age of 21 and what you will find is some in their 80’s.  Geri affirms that "Dance keeps our minds and bodies in good shape."  Both will agree that forming this partnership to pursue something they love beats the traditional idea of retirement and keeps you on your toes…and heels.

1 comment:

  1. Love it - As an ex-dancer/dance teacher/choreographer/director, I am totally with you and if I lived near by I would join you. Quoting Bruce Forsythe of Strictly Come Dancing UK "Keep on dancing!"
    Best wishes.
