A Life Well-Lived

Monday, August 11, 2014

Bissera Antikarov: 1st Life – Architect & Urban Designer, 2nd Life – Real Estate Broker

If you can't build them, then sell them!

Bissera Antikarov earned her BA in Architecture and Urban Design in her home country of Bulgaria.  Once in the United States she went on to earn degrees at Pratt Institute and Harvard.  Bissera has worked at design firms and city planning organizations in both Boston and New York City and some of her projects have included the Big Dig and the redevelopment of lower Manhattan in those respective cities. She was also active professionally organizing and moderating meetings and panels on opportune topics and issues for her industry.

But after the 2008 financial collapse, new construction and city planning projects also declined.  Bissera had to reinvent herself but in a way where she could still make use of her skills and background.  So instead of designing living spaces, she decided to try her hand at selling them.   Her knowledge of building construction and neighborhood planning adds a dimension to the real estate selling process that her clients are impressed with and value.  Would she ever return to her first life?  Not likely as Bissera is now more that content with her own personal redesign. 

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