A Life Well-Lived

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Brandy Kawulka: 1st Life – Cabinetmaker, 2nd Life – Shopping Tour Guide

Would you go shopping with this woman?
Brandy Kawulka wasn't new to entrepreneurship.  She and her husband owned Wood Be Art, a custom woodworking company.  But Brandy wanted to do something different and on her own and she knew exactly what that was.  Women like to shop and together and especially when they travel to a new city.  So Brandy set up Posh Shopping Tours, a company that curates the best boutiques and designers in Vancouver, Canada where she lives and chauffeurs groups of women around to their storefronts for a half or full day of exclusive shopping.  Her clients get to see the sights of the city, special attention from the shop owners and swag bags.  
Who doesn't love a good swag bag! 
 Brandy’s not done; her full vision hasn’t been realized yet.  After all Vancouver is only one city.   

1 comment:

  1. If I ever travel to Vancoucer, which I might well do. My husband is in British Colombia at the moment fishing. I will look her up.
