Friday, April 26, 2013

SLLinky: Mothers & Daughters & Birthdays. Oh My!

Caryl and Maryl troll the net for the best Second Life Links this week.

Who says there aren't roles for older women? 

Gisele Casadesus won’t be 99 until June 14 but the French actress who's been working for more than seven decades  stars in the just-released French film Sous Le Figuier (Under the Fig Tree).  Her co-star is Ann Consigney  (The Diving Bell and The Butterfly) but she's a mere 50. The two women discussed life, death--and the movie—in the March/April issue of Femme Majuscule:  '"De regarder devant, vers le soleil! Les regrets ne servent a rien." ("To look ahead towards the sun, regrets do not help anything.") Of course, we only know what they're saying because one of our favorite bloggers translated it for us. Josephine Lalwin has been blogging from London and St. Tropez since 2009. Her aim is to “inspire women of all ages to have fun with fashion and to create a chic lifestyle”.  Check out the amazing photograph of Casadesus and Consigny at Chic At Any Age.

Zodiac Birthday Shoes

We really want these even if we can’t afford them. London designer Charlotte Olympia Dellal has come up with stylish flats decorated with each sign of the zodiac. You can buy them for yourself—or put them on your future birthday list. Each pair comes with a book about your astrological sign.

John Waters

Salty Sayings from John Waters

Movie director, writer and all-around raconteur John Waters turned 67 on April 22. The man who made Hairspray 25 years ago is always quotable--and frequently bleepable. Flavorwire put together 67 memorable remarks to honor his natal anniversary. Here’s one on the subject of style that’s rated PG: “I always say to kids, with fashion, that they shouldn’t be wearing designer clothing — they should copy it. Go to the thrift shop and buy the worst thing that the coolest kid in school would never wear. It’ll be the thing that’s the most ‘out.’ Buy it and turn it into something that’s funny and witty. Fashion is confidence. If you can get away with wearing it, it’s a new style.” 

Meet the Matriarch, Barbara Bush: 

From left to right:Barbara Bush,  daughter-in-law Laura Bush and granddaughters  Jenna Hager, and Barbara Bush

Caryl interviewed Barbara Bush when her husband ("41") was president  and the White House had just turned 200 in 1986 for a special issue of Life Magazine celebrating the Bicentennial. The former First Lady spoke her mind even then. This week she and family members joined "43" for the opening of his presidential library in Dallas, Texas. Hear what the matriarch had to say about the family dynasty. And, say hello to the fourth generation of Bush women-- Margaret Laura Hager (Mila) born April 13, 2013.

Happy Milestone Birthday: One Hundred Years Young!

The beautiful woman on the left is the birthday girl.  The beautiful woman on the right is her daughter and Second Lives Club member.  Her advice for throwing a centenarian's birthday party:  "You can't go wrong 
with a sing-along banjo player."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What is Dropbox? Does it really make file sharing easier?

Maryl stops downloading files and starts sharing them on the cloud

That’s not a picture of a moving box. I'm not relocating but I am packing up my photos, Word docs, spreadsheets, PDF’s, slides and videos and taking them on the road. That’s essentially what Dropbox does. It’s a free and simple service that saves all your larger, more conventional files on the cloud. And it saves you time in two important ways: 1) you don’t have to email attachments to anyone, including yourself, ever again and 2) you can work from any location, computer, tablet or smart phone. I can get you up and running in two easy steps! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

SLlinky* Friday: 8 Dangerous Travel Destinations for Women & One That Isn’t--plus Bradley Cooper, Ann Sinclair and Goya

* Caryl and Maryl troll the web for the best Second Life links this week:

Leaving On a Jet Plane: A week of unrelenting and upsetting headlines make us want to pack up and get away for a little R & R. Well, according to Business Insider, you won’t want to go to these 8 places if you are a woman and want to be safe. (Full disclosure: The article reads like a list of Caryl’s past vacation destinations.) But there’s one exotic locale where two of our favorite bloggers have done the advance work for your next trip--Morocco. Check out Shifting Gears where writer and friend Judith Ross traveled to visit her son, a Peace Corp. volunteer, in Tinghir. And don’t miss Slim Paley’s post on Ouarzazete from where she and a girlfriend departed for a luxurious desert camping trip. Both of these fearless travelers know how to shoot—pictures, that is.

Bradley Cooper with mother Gloria 

Home Again: Our adult children always know that they can return to the nest when they need us--but they also come back when we need them. Bradley Cooper, Oscar nominee and good son, has moved back in with his mother while the family continues to grieve the loss of Cooper’s dad.  Having his mom around is "not without complications," he says. "It's not like I live in a compound and she's in the guesthouse. No, she's in the next room." Read more at People.  

Arianna & Ann
Huff Post 60: Life for Ann Sinclair is getting better after 60. The recently-named head of Le Huffington Post, the French offshoot of Arianna Huffington’s internet empire, has finalized her divorce from Dominque Strauss-Kahn, disgraced director of IMF. Who knew Sinclair, 64, and her new boss, 62, have the same birthday? July 15. We learned this and more at The New Yorker.

Wanted: Smart Advertising for smart women. Do the people at Dove really think we are going to believe a forensic sketch artist can draw us to their beauty bar?  Well, they’ve got soap in their eyes, according to Salon.  For more on what the people behind the brand were thinking, fast forward to the videos at brandchannel.  Idea for the new advertising campaign: A + ; Execution: F. (And, that’s not for feminism.) 

Speaking of Feminism: You can 
buy social provocateur and author Susan Jacoby’s e-book The Last Men on Top for $2.99 starting April 23. Or, you can read  this excerpt (and learn a new word), "Sex in the Mad Men Era: Phallocrats and Fake Virgins",  at The Daily Beast.

Goya's “El SueƱo de la Razon
Produce Monstruos” at Boston's MFA
Art Heals, we know that. Thank you to Mostafa Heddaya whose post on Hyperallergic  reminded us why museums are always “a place of respite” for our communities and gave us another reason to love Boston in this difficult week.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Pursuing Purpose, Passion and a Paycheck

Laura Lee Carter                                        Dana Buchman                                     Marci Alboher

Caryl recounts real stories of real women looking for the next thing

There’s a reason the word mid-life is often coupled with crisis. The years between 45 to 65 are often filled with loss—loss of a job, a marriage, a parent—but also a loss of identity. With children grown, careers stalled, relationships sometimes stagnating, as thinking women we know a fancy new sportscar or a Madmen-like affair would never be the answer. No, we are looking for something bigger, more profound, something truly life--maybe even world--changing. And, we wouldn’t mind some money too. The three women above have found purpose, passion and a paycheck in their second lives. Their stories provide inspiration, direction--and hope.

Friday, April 12, 2013

SLlinky*: Fashion Inspirations from Our Past and Present

Annette Funicello                                              Lily Pulitzer                                          Maggie Thatcher

*Maryl and Caryl troll the net for the best Second Life Links this week

Annette, Lily and Maggie:  One was a mouseketeer who traded in her ears for a bikini and capris in a string of 1960s cult beach movies but remained the modest girl next door and later a gracious spokesperson for Multiple Sclerosis. One was a designer and heiress who initially sold her brightly colored dresses along with orange juice at a Florida fruit stand proving that hard work is fashionable even for socialites. One was the first female major political leader in the West who put the power in power suit--no pants, just skirts and the right handbag-- and was thrilled when she was named to the international best-dressed list.  Annette Funicello, Lily Pulitzer, and Margaret Thatcher who all died this week left behind distinctive legacies of substance and style. Click on names for appreciations of the latter. 


Style Sleuthing in the Present:  We love writing about what to wear in  our second lives but we're not a fashion blog exclusively. There is however, a dedicated band of women bloggers who devote themselves to finding clothes that work for our lives.  Here's 8 of the best fashion bloggers over 40 from Independent Fashion Bloggers.

Start Up Fashion:  This bias cut, cotton blend slouchy tunic can be yours for a pledge of $65 on Kickstarter, a new way to keep your closet current and help give deserving talent a chance.  "Cool, sexy, urban clothes designed for pursuing your passions" is how designer Patrick Robinson (most recently of Armani and The Gap) describes this collection of over a dozen pieces for both men and women. 

Warby Parker  frames

Seeing is believing:  We admit it, we were skeptical of getting reasonably-priced (starting at $95) vintage frames and filling our complicated prescriptions over the internet until we watched this video at Business Insider.

Monday, April 8, 2013

What you eat--not statins--is critical to a healthy woman's heart

Ruth's lists of foods to eat and foods to avoid

The Great Cholesterol Myth
New research has surfaced that proves it’s inflammation that causes heart disease, not cholesterol. For the last 30 years, doctors have told us to keep our cholesterol levels under 200 for a healthy heart. Not so. Doctors Johnny Bowden and Stephen Sinatra shatter The Great Cholesterol Myth in their recent book.  They present new research that has taken over the health news that cholesterol is what the body makes to put out the flames of inflammation. Because cholesterol deposits that turned into plaque built up in the arteries and caused blockage, the cholesterol has been diagnosed as the cause. But it’s like blaming the firemen for the fire. The body deposits cholesterol at the scene of the inflamed area.  It’s the inflammation that actually caused the heart attack to happen. Not cholesterol.  Here’s how it works.  

Friday, April 5, 2013

SLlinky Friday: These Women Make Us Want To Be Older (plus Countdown to Mad Men and more)

 Lauren Hutton, who just incidentally turns 70 this year, is one of those women. But the current issue of French Elle with Hutton on its cover isn’t about numbers (none of those tedious and ridiculous “what to wear when you’re 40, 50, 60, 70” articles). It is “more a celebration of women, and age be damned,” writes Tish Jett at A Femme d'un Certain Age. But the French have always known that.

What if you could learn to downsize and declutter your home and life while reducing waste and your carbon footprint at the same time?  Sounds time-consuming and way too hard?  Bea Johnson, lifestyle guru, makes it really simple in her latest book Zero Waste Home coming out April 9.

Source: pragmagraphr,

Your heart doesn't have to sink when you find the drain clogged with hair after you shower. It doesn't mean you're going bald, just shedding as part of your regular body cycle.  Read one woman's story about hair loss at Refinery 29 and ways to prevent it.

A Life Well-Lived: Ruth Prawar Jhabvala, screen writer and author, collaborated with James Merchant and Ismail Ivory on 20 films, but books were her first love.  She is the only person to win both a Booker prize (Heat and Dust) and two Oscars for screenwriting (A Room with a View—1985; Howard’s End—l992).  For four more surprising facts about this woman’s extraordinary life, read The Week. 

You'll have to wait until Sunday night for the two-hour premier of season six Mad Men.  But until then, try to name the 15 women Don Draper has been with in seasons one through five.  Who can’t remember Betty or Megan--or even Dr. Faye Miller? (She's definitely the only one with a Ph'd)  But what about Doris, Allison  and Candace? Go to Business Insider—for the complete list.

Can a two minute video "promote understanding between generations, and challenge perceptions about aging"?  Saga magazine from the UK held such a competition titled "Being 50" and here's the unlikely winner: