Is this not one of the most gratifying photos of a self-fulfilled woman ever? It’s our never-tiring Secretary of State yesterday on her way to meet with a few Heads of State on a few world crises. Stunning… styling or make-up needed here. What could be more attractive than a 2nd lifer doing what she is passionate about and finds the most rewarding. This has got to be what a 2nd life looks like.
One of our first and most memorable images of Hillary is her sitting rather demurely next to her husband being interviewed on nationwide television during his first presidential campaign. Remember the headband. Prim and proper….we had no idea what was behind those quizzical eyes and what was in store for her or us. She took some big unconventional steps during her White House years and some have never let her forget her mistakes. She didn’t either but chose not to dwell on them and to keep moving in a positive direction.
I was fortunate enough to be at a Women in Communicatons MATRIX awards ceremony where Hillary introduced one of the winners. It was around the time when she was beginning her campaign for US Senator from New York. She was running late but got there in time to make her speech fully made up. She looked quite glamorous, almost too so, but being Hilary, her sincerity shone through despite the false façade. I think it was the beginning of when she started to appear less skittish about how she was perceived and more comfortable in her own skin. Clearly I find her amazing and yes because of her looks. She looks like a woman who has moved out of her immediate area of expertise, who has made some bold moves and questionable risks, failed at some, won at others and is all the better for it in the end as are the people’s lives she continues to affect. Just stunning!
Any more thoughts or photos of what a woman fulfilled looks like? Some more ideas from the post:
2) Women in Communications MATRIX Awards
3) Some headband ideas!
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